Product Design – Mobile Landscape in a Nutshell

Mobile Landscape JUN 2018

Mobile Landscape in a nutshell – How the #mobile world is changing and design-wise what we can improve – as usual, @lukewroblewski rocks the stage at Conversions@Google 2018

Design Events – The London Fintech Design Summit 2018

Continue reading Design Events – The London Fintech Design Summit 2018

Design System – The rabbit in the hat for your next digital product

design systems
design systems

Nowadays users consume digital products within a complex environment. To reach their goals they use multiple devices, they are connected to different connection types and they use more than one product. How can product makers face such a challenge?

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Design System – Empowering the product growth with a Design System(s)

Design System – Empowering the product growth with a Design System(s)

Empowering the product growth with a Design System(s) means that the Design System has to be developed, maintained, shared and used.

Continue reading Design System – Empowering the product growth with a Design System(s)